Christmas Shop with a Cop Program
Every Christmas Advent's Happy Hat Hookers donate 75-100 hats for our service people overseas to wear under their helmets.
Chloe Josephine McFarling-Cicola was baptized Sunday, July 14
Advent’s women celebrate 20 years of the Helping Hands Ministry - making pillows and blankets for those in need.
Timothy’s birthday and ordination anniversary (31 years)
The Phoenician Tenors
Deacon Meg 40 years of Service
Holistic Health Matters Meeting
The Dombek Family
Baby Jason and his Parents
Christina Smith's 97th birthday celebration
Guest Reverend Laura Adelia with Rev. Canon Timothy Dombek
Twelfth Night Dinner
Advent Habitat work group on June 24, 2023. From left to right: Lucy, Mike, Kim, Earl, Levy from GCU, John, Peter, Denise, Beth, and Kim the homeowner.
Advent Habitat work group on June 24, 2023.
We take the Eucharist to the folks at The Heritage Traditions (1st Thursday of the Month).
Ladies of the Altar