Advent History & Preservation
The History Book chronicles the past practices, experiences and people that have built the strength of the Advent church family with God.
Leader: Dottie Eubank
Advertising / Media Relations
The Northwest Valley is kept apprised of what is going on at Advent through the community newspapers and information centers, the Chamber of Commerce, local websites and through activities in the communities served. Paid advertising and unpaid activity announcements are included in several community newspapers and websites. This team functions under Hospitality, Events, and Publicity ministry.
Leader: Dotty Eubank
Hospitality, Events & Publicity (HEP)
This ministry’s mission is to communicate Advent’s presence and purpose in the Northwest Valley, as a place of family worship and spiritual fulfillment. In addition to communication, this group works throughout the year to promote events held at Advent, such as the annual Arts & Craft show, as well as our various concerts.
Leader: Virginia Reutter
Office Volunteers
The office is open for Advent’s daily business from 8:30 am until 1:30 pm Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm. Volunteers assist during those hours.
Safeguarding God’s Children / People
The Episcopal Church takes the safety of everyone very seriously and has a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse or exploitation of any kind. Any ministry that involves a child or pastoral care needs is required to take the following courses:
Safeguarding God’s Children is a course on child abuse awareness and prevention education. There are six modules in this course one of which is a refresher that is taken five years after the initial five courses.
Safeguarding God’s People is a course on preventing sexual exploitation in communities of faith.
Tech Ministry
The Tech Ministry members are Patrick Watts, Russ Brumagin, Christine Turner, John Teays, Ken Mead, Herb Norton, and Cathy Shyers. They run the live streaming and recording of church services and other events as needed.
Leader: Patrick Watts